DONORS & Funders

Amanda Whitehead
Antonio & Gail Simoes Re
Brendan Barrett
Bruce Penney
Carol Ann Macdonald
Carrie Penney
Charles Coffey
Cheryl Jefford
Chris King
Erin Delaney
F.K. Morrow Foundation
Freedom Foods
Geoff and Karen Williams
Gloria Newhook
Grand Banks Social Club
Greg Snow
Hazen Scarth
Ian Barrett
James and Susan Adams
Jim Murray
John Lewis
Jonathan Duke
Karen Power
Katie Greene
Laura Barnes
Laura Bruijns
Linda Barrett
Mac LeMessurier
Mary O'Keeffe
Maxwell Parsons
Michael English
Nancy Patten
Progressive Conservative Party of Newfoundland and Labrador Staff
R.D Pippy Family Foundation
Ray Stamp
Robert Bishop
Robert Grace
Robert Salsman
Shane Woodford
SNC-Lavalin Industrial Atlantic
Stait Family Foundation
Susan Friedrich
Susan Patten
Tom Koziara
Wanda Hearn-Dyke
Wayde Butler
Winsor Financial Services
Yvonne Earle